Wednesday, February 15, 2012


I suppose any good blog starts with an introduction.

But I can't be sure. I don't read many. I suppose for me to be a successful blogger, I'll have to get on that. I'll also apparently have to invest in a better keyboard so I don't go on some tirade about my inexperience being a booger.

Anyway, so here's me: A proud father of 2 great kids, who'll probably end up with another baby brother or sister before too long; A loving husband/smarmy jackass depending on the day of the week; An avid video gamer (XBox 360 being my drug of choice) whose great achievements include ridiculously negative kill to death ratios and average lifespans in the single digits...seconds-wise. I lead a pretty uneventful life in a fairly mid-sized city that has a reputation for having as many strip clubs as it does churches (and it has a lot of churches).

Work-wise, I'm a mild mannered developer/software engineer at a major mid-west manufacturer. It's actually a pretty awesome job. I get to hang out with my friends all day solving problems that primarily involve me using a computer. I previously worked at Best Buy, first as an in-store technician (before there was a Geek Squad), and then as the Double Agent (the official name at the time for the in-home tech), before being moved back to the store. I guess when you have a problem convincing people to pay $120 to install a RAM stick that takes you all of 5 minutes to put in, they'd prefer someone better at up-selling. But it was pretty alright at the time. It paid the bills, and I once got to help a guy set up his wireless webcam (notable only because I found as part of his failed installation, he had already named the webcam "Mr. Naughty"). More on those (mis)adventures later, I'm sure.

But I digress.

This basically means that I'm the resident computer guy. It's not a bad deal since I seem to be pretty decent at fixing them (or at least I used to be, my mojo may not be as strong as it used to be). Although thanks to my many years at Best Buy, I have developed a deep seated (and fairly justified, it seems to me) hatred of the general public. There's a line in a Men In Black that I think covers it pretty well: "A person is smart, people are dumb, panicky dangerous animals..."

Which actually brings me quite nicely to the point of this blog. My intention here, as has been suggested by several co-workers and relatives, is to present my views on the various movies, books, and TV shows I end up watching. I'm sure there are far better reviewers and review sites out there, and most likely I will contribute very little. But hopefully by starting this blog (and maintaining it better than some of the ones in the past) I'll be able to be resurrected by aliens in the far flung future. Or at least I'll get some enjoyment out of it. Or somebody will like it. Or not, I guess it really doesn't matter to me.

So now we know each other. That wasn't so hard.

Next go round I won't feel so much pressure to wear pants.

Last Song I Listened To*:
Artist:Eagle-Eye Cherry
Song:Don't Give Up
Album:Sub Rosa
*I listen to a lot of music during the day, so I thought I'd share some of the random junk I end up listening to. I'll work on a better layout as we go along.

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